The expense of a wedding might be great ... One of the most consistent themes that emerges in counseling young couples, especially in the critical first five years, is the dramatic difference between the time and money that was invested in their wedding compared to the time and money that was invested in preparing for the rest of their lives together as husband and wife. The … [Read more...]
Blended families: 4 considerations for pastors
Sunday morning after service, you’re chatting with a set of parents in your congregation. In passing, they mention that their oldest daughter, fourteen-year-old Anna, has gotten more disrespectful and disobedient lately. She ignores her father’s instructions and shows little, if any, affection. Consideration 1: The reality of “insiders” and “outsiders” On day one in a … [Read more...]
Helping stepfamilies when things go wrong
In a previous article, we introduced licensed marriage and family therapist Ron Deal, director of FamilyLife Blended™, a resource website for blended families and the churches who serve them ( We interviewed him about the unique needs of stepfamilies and how churches can reach out to them. Here he explains how pastors can help stepfamilies deal with … [Read more...]
Single parents: Is your church meeting their unique needs?
Download the book today! And if you need even more help creating a viable ministry to the single parents in your community, consider Single & Parenting, a video-based curriculum from the editorial team behind Regarding Single & Parenting, Angela Thomas says, “I think this program is so powerful for the church for several reasons: it meets an immediate need of … [Read more...]
7 gospel-centered principles for protecting a marriage
Almost every marriage begins with joy as newlyweds anticipate sharing life together. Sadly, not all couples live happily ever after. A large percentage of marriages end in divorce. Other couples remain married but drift apart emotionally due to bitterness or mutual indifference. They share a name and a home, but not a life. How can you counsel engaged and newlywed couples to … [Read more...]