Chris cheated on me In early 2002, my husband, Chris, our son, Noah, and I had the opportunity to move to Edmond, OK, so that my husband could join the staff of Life.Church. It was truly a dream come true. He was a worship leader and I led alongside him, and we had been doing so for nearly ten years. But a confession one devastating February morning brought about a crushed … [Read more...]
Caught: Key questions to explore in the aftermath of adultery
Trivia question: What were the first two questions posed by God to humanity? If you look into the Genesis account of Adam’s fall into sin, you will see them plainly. Soon after Adam ate of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, God called out, “Where are you?” Upon finding Adam and his wife hunkered in the bushes and then listening to their driveling, God asked, “Who told you … [Read more...]
Screen-shattered: Helping spouses deal with online affairs
Two years into the marriage, I found out about the pornography, and a couple years after that there was Internet chatting with women.” Although Sarah1 wasn’t tech savvy, she decided one evening to try and set up web chatting, since it was something her husband had said he’d wanted. The computer was set with an automatic login using his username and password. After logging … [Read more...]