Helping depressed people often leads to more questions than answers. Why is the person depressed? Does the Bible provide solutions? Is medication a wise treatment option? Are you even qualified to help? This week’s Care Issue answers those questions. Plus you’ll learn about plausible depression myths and the role only you as a pastor can play in helping people deal with depression.
How pastors can help the depressed
Think about the recent personal conversations you’ve had with troubled people. Do any of them sound like these testimonies from Arlene and Greg? Arlene: “It was really hard … [Read More]
3 plausible depression myths
“Pastor, I’m depressed … doctor says it’s some sort of major depressive disorder.” We don’t take for granted the amount of trust displayed when someone discloses the diagnosis … [Read More]
3 reasons depression is complicated
You’ll often hear people conclude, “Depression is a sin problem,” or, “It’s a physical illness.” Others will say it’s an “emotional response to a stressful event or trauma,” such as … [Read More]