And you thought he was doing well. But he’s relapsed—again. How do you help him deal with the shame and guilt? How do you motivate him to try again? And what about you? Are you sure you’re not the problem? Could you be providing better support for the addict? Dr. Jeff Forrey answers those and other questions. Plus, learn how to prepare families of addicts for a loved one’s relapse and offer care as he fights to stay clean.
3 mistakes families of addicts make
Families of addicts feel desperate to help their loved ones stop abusing drugs or alcohol. However, if their desperate, though understandable, responses to their loved one’s behavior are not informed … [Read More]
How to help those who’ve relapsed
Jim was introduced earlier this week in Responding to Relapse: A Pastor’s Questions. His wife of eight years, Rachael, had been shocked to discover he’d been regularly viewing … [Read More]
He relapsed again—are you at fault?
Jim had been married to Rachael for eight years when she caught him viewing Internet porn, which he told her had been happening several times a week during the previous … [Read More]