This week’s Care Issue helps you plan to care for an addict by explaining what addicts need and what you can and should provide. Also, Dr. Mark Shaw shares five signs that indicate that an addict has repented. And finally, Vicki Tiede reveals the common mistakes pastors make when caring for the wives of porn addicts and how to avoid those mistakes.
4 myths about the wives of porn addicts
The world finds lust, fantasy, masturbation, and pornography not only acceptable, but something to be elevated and encouraged, because they’ve embraced the belief that if anyone is being hurt … [Read More]
Pastoral responses to addicts’ needs
What initial issues should pastors be aware of when they first hear a person in the church is struggling with a drug addiction? Shaw: The first thought I have is it’s probably worse than … [Read More]
5 signs of true repentance in an addict
When I’m counseling and establishing goals for somebody who’s struggling with a drug addiction, or has in the past and is now clean, I really keep it simple. There are just five … [Read More]