You’ve heard it before. You don’t have time. You already know the answer. Those are just a few of the reasons we choose to not listen, to cut someone off, or to stop paying attention. But we all know that good listening is an essential part of effective care—right? That said, are there times you should interrupt? Jon Noto, of Willow Creek Church, answers that one. Dr. Ramon Presson explains why counseling isn’t a game show. Plus, discover what wise pastors believe about the value of listening, and hear the candid thoughts of a pastor who has mastered the art of ignoring people—all in this week’s Care Issue.
Confessions of a poor listener
Time is precious; I’m sure you agree. Only so many hours in a day to get everything done—attending a men’s Tuesday morning Bible study, getting ready for Wednesday’s … [Read More]
When to interrupt someone
Volunteers in pastoral care ministries are generally the most caring people in our churches. While their big hearts help support people well, they bring challenges, too. Volunteers … [Read More]
Listening wisdom
A church member or counselee sits down with his pastor. He opens his mouth to share his burdens and struggles. So, what thoughts are going through the wise pastor’s head … [Read More]