Care ministry shouldn’t always be reactive. Done well, it also prevents people from making unwise choices. In this Care Issue, Dr. Jeff Forrey shares a framework for using wisdom to help people avoid regrets. And Dr. Steve Viars explains how to help people make honest assessments about the way they’ve contributed to their past suffering in order to reduce future sorrow. Finally, Dr. Ramon Presson, gives insights on how to respond to people who want to leave their marriages for the wrong reasons.
How to help people avoid regrets
Robert and Alice met through an online dating service. He lives in Minnesota, and she lives in Alabama. Alice’s husband divorced her seven years ago, saying they had grown apart and their lives … [Read More]
Helping people gain freedom from regret
The pain of regret and the constant nagging of a conscience that knows they’ve sinned and been foolish have the potential of crippling people forever. They know … [Read More]
“Help, I married the wrong person”
A man or woman comes into your office with a refrain you’ve heard too many times: “Pastor, this marriage isn’t working, and I think it’s best if my spouse and I part ways.” And then come … [Read More]