They’re partners at law firms, but they never fellowship at church. They’re presidents of corporations, yet they don’t lead in the home. They’re beloved by coworkers, and missed by their children. Bottom line? They’re workaholics. So how do you help them? This week’s Care Issue shows you how. Plus, Dr. Jeff Forrey explains how you can keep from being overwhelmed by your own ministry responsibilities.
Profile of a workaholic
Workaholics. You’ve got them in your church, and at times, you can relate to them yourselves. A workaholic is a compulsive worker: he chooses to work a lot, think about work … [Read More]
3 ways to maintain sanity in ministry
For those called by the Lord into ministry—whether it’s vocational or volunteer—there are incredible opportunities to see God at work in the lives of His people. What other thrills … [Read More]
How to cure workaholism
Hello, my name’s David, and I’m a recovering workaholic. And I say that with no sense of pride, even though workaholism is one of our society’s most “respected”, even admirable sins. In fact … [Read More]