So that’s when Susie said, “Sometimes people don’t realize that their circumstances could be different—and how they’re contributing to their own mess.”
Let me back up a bit.
A few months ago, I interviewed Susie Howard and Wendy Herrberg. Wendy and Susie are the care ministry directors at The Creek church in Indianapolis, IN. They explained to me that often, when counseling, they realize that the person is either taking on too much or too little responsibility to produce change. Susie explained how this often leads them to explain to counselees what the counselees are and aren’t responsible for. Which is when she made her statement about people being unaware of how they’re contributing to (and even worsening) their circumstances.
I figure that a lot of you must be running into the same challenge when helping people in your churches. So we came up with a resource that you can use to help people understand how to experience freedom and peace by embracing proper amounts of responsibility.
The packet is filled with practical exercises and charts that help people understand the often-overlooked ways people can take on too much or too little personal responsibility, and they’ll find helpful strategies for change.
Still not sure you can use this to help people in your congregation? Here are some excerpts from the packet: