We’re serious about producing In This Together!
Want proof? Last week we captured our first In This Together interview.
The interviewee? Pastor Jonathan Holmes, a counseling pastor at Parkside Church in Chagrin Falls, OH. As I’ve mentioned, Jonathan is the author of the book The Company We Keep: In Search of Biblical Friendship.
Jonathan is good friends with our senior writer and content developer, Dr. Jeff Forrey. (And now you know what it takes to be featured in one of these videos. But enough already about the underbelly of Christian publishing …)
Jonathan is also a close friend of Brad Hambrick’s. If Brad’s name sounds familiar, it’s because he’s a frequent contributor to CareLeader.org and has also appeared in our GriefShare and DivorceCare programs. Anyway, those relationships explain why you’ll see shots of Jeff and Brad in this clip.
We recorded the interview at a local restaurant called Farm Table, which is less than three miles from our ministry headquarters. So that was convenient (and lunch was great). But most importantly, the interview went well. Jonathan shared thoughtful insights on biblical friendship, and our new camera worked well, too (except for a few minor glitches).
Our next interview? It’s scheduled for May 1—more on that later. In the meantime, check out the video. And below are a few photos from the shoot.