What fuels a strong, resilient, enjoyable marriage? Most people would immediately answer with suggestions like better communication and the ability to resolve conflicts. As important as those skills are, it is actually much simpler than that. According to marriage and relationship expert John Gottman, it boils down to one thing: friendship! Why is friendship so … [Read more...]
Why your deacons should be involved in care ministry
No pastoral care model can do without deacons. Their primary calling is not administration and maintenance of a church’s facilities. They, too, are to focus on people. First Timothy 3 and Acts 6 are important passages that confirm this commitment to people. In 1 Timothy 3:8, the deacon is to be wise with finances, “not pursuing dishonest gain.” He is to be faithful with … [Read more...]
A biblical approach to pastoral care
Where do we begin to work ourselves out of the maze of frenetic, chaotic, directionless church life? It begins by letting Scripture shape the way we think about what a leader does. We need a clear job description. Without one, busyness can cause leaders to lose their focus on people. It is amazing how quickly this can happen in the midst of real church life. The priority of … [Read more...]
Should the church do counseling?
In my travels over the past twelve years (and fifteen years of campus and pastoral ministry before that), I have had the privilege of talking with countless pastors. Given my obvious interest in pastoral care, I regularly get asked a simple but basic question from people in ministry. It is then followed by an interesting statement: “Should I really try to ‘counsel’ people, or … [Read more...]
Helping those who feel unworthy to take communion
A few weeks ago, a very close friend and I were traveling together. As we discussed a host of subjects, I ventured into more personal territory. I had noticed that he had stopped taking communion at church for the past several months. He is a convinced believer in Jesus, but for some reason didn’t feel right about partaking. Here is how the conversation went: Me … [Read more...]