It’s no secret that we get angry with staff members, church members, and even family members. But just because we may have more spiritual authority and insight than those we interact with doesn’t mean we’re always innocent when it comes to conflict. Elyse Fitzpatrick explains …
Questions to ask yourself when you’re angry with a church member:
- What do I want from this person that I’m not getting (respect, my way, money, time, etc.)
- Has what I want from this person become more important to me than obeying biblical principles of conflict resolution and obeying exhortations to be at peace and love our brothers and enemies?
- Have I sinned in my anger?
- Do I need to confess any sin regarding this conflict to God and the person I’m angry with?
- Are there sacrifices I can make in order for there to be peace?
What principles guide you when you’re dealing with conflict?